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Iron is essential for good health, and it is a key part of the hemoglobin in blood that carries oxygen round the body. It is also part of myoglobin which is involved in oxygen transport in the heart muscles.


Iron is required for carrying oxygen, for production of muscle protein, and is stored in the liver, spleen and blood and bone marrow.

Deficiency Symptoms

Deficiency of Iron will result in tiredness, pallor of skin, breathlessness, insomnia and heart palpitations.

At a Glance...

Iron is needed for production of red blood cells.

Functions Dosage Toxicity Further Information What you need to eat
Iron is at the centre of the haemoglobin molecule which carries oxygen to the cells and carbon dioxide away. It is also involved in mental development.
There is no RDA, but a maximum intake of 15mg daily is recommended.
Excess Iron can cause constipation or diarrhoea and can be fatal in very high levels.
Iron plays a part in a healthy immune system. Deficiencies will increase the risk of infection. Women need more iron at the time of menstruation.
Iron is present in red and to a lesser extent, white meat, seafood and other animal products. It is also present in dark green vegetables whole grains, nuts, and dried fruit.

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