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Magnesium is vital for many biochemical processes in our body, such as manufacture of nucleic acid, protein, and cell repairs.


Magnesium, along with calcium and phosphorus is an essential ingredient of bones. A balance of these elements is essential for good bone structure. It is also important in development of teeth.

Deficiency Symptoms

A deficiency is very common, especially in the elderly, in heavy drinkers, pregnant women and in those who exercise regularly. It can cause nervous and mental problems. Slight deficiency can cause an irregular heartbeat.

At a Glance...

Magnesium is essential for strong bones and teeth and is needed for healthy cell division and growth.

Functions Dosage Toxicity Further Information What you need to eat
The body's requirement for Magnesium increases with stress and illness. It is also involved in muscle activity and for protein synthesis. Magnesium is essential for a healthy heart.
RDA 350 mg in men and 280 mg in women. There is frequently inadequate intake. Supplements are often recommended.
Toxicity can cause diarrhoea, fatigue, muscle weakness and possibly a depressed heart rate.
People who abuse laxatives or have kidney failure are vulnerable to Magnesium poisoning.
Magnesium is in high concentrations in brown rice, soybeans, nuts, wholemeal flour, fish, green vegetables, milk and pulses.

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