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Vitamin B1


Vitamin B1 or thiamin is involved in metabolic processes, the nervous system, heart, blood cells, and muscles.


Treats nervous disorders, and has been shown to protect against damage from alcoholism.

Deficiency Symptoms

Deficiencies cause fatigue, muscle weakness, irritability and depression. Tingling in the extremities, indigestion and nausea are symptoms. A severe deficiency is called Beriberi and is common in malnutrition.

At a Glance...

An important vitamin, especially in energy generation and nervous function.

Functions Dosage Toxicity Further Information What you need to eat
Vitamin B1 metabolises carbohydrates, fats and proteins and helps convert excess glucose to fat.
The RDA is between 1.1and 1.5mg.
Vitamin B1 is non-toxic, but in very high doses may cause nervousness, itching, flushing or irregular heart rhythms in a susceptible few.
Heavy drinkers, smokers, pregnant women or those taking the contraceptive pill should increase their intake, as should those feeling under physical or emotional stress.
Vitamin B1 is high in whole grains, brown rice, seafood and pulses.


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