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Vitamin B5


Vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid is a water-soluble vitamin involved in maintaining the nervous system and normal growth.


The vitamin helps to produce energy from food stuffs. It is involved in red cell production and making bile, adrenal steroids, antibodies and neurotransmitters.

Deficiency Symptoms

Deficiencies result in vomiting, abdominal cramps, fatigue, insomnia and reduced resistance to infection.

At a Glance...

Vitamin B5 is important for the nervous and immune systems.

Functions Dosage Toxicity Further Information What you need to eat
Vitamin B5 is involved in many aspects of health including stimulating the lymphatic system, which in turn stimulates immune function. The vitamin boosts energy by converting food into energy.
The RDA is between 4 and 7 mg.
Toxicity is rare but supplements should be carefully controlled
The vitamin can lower cholesterol and so protect against heart disease. It aids in reduction of stress.
The vitamin is present in meat, whole grains, bran, nuts and molasses. It is also high in animal products such as chicken, kidneys, and eggs.

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