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Vitamin B9 (Folic acid)


Vitamin B9 is more commonly referred to as Folic Acid and is important in DNA production.


Folic acid is known to prevent birth defects and some forms of cancer. It is essential for cell division and protein synthesis. It is also important for healthy skin, hair, nails, nerves and mucosal membranes.

Deficiency Symptoms

Deficiencies are common, and may cause weakness, lethargy and weakness, with extreme deficiency leading to megaloblastic anaemia symptoms of which are headache, pallor and fatigue.

At a Glance...

Folic acid is an important dietary component involved in many processes. Many processes requiring Folic acid work best if taken with a raw carrot.

Functions Dosage Toxicity Further Information What you need to eat
Folic acid is involved in DNA synthesis and cell division. It prevents cancer and atherosclerosis. Important in wound healing and immunity.
The RDA is between 180 and 200 mcg, with double the amount required during pregnancy.
Toxicity only occurs in high doses and causes severe neurological damage. Symptoms may mask vitamin B12 deficiency.
Some food stuffs, such as breakfast cereals may contain supplements to prevent birth defects.
Animal products including offal, fish and eggs. Vegetable sources include melon, beans, beets, celery, nuts, cabbage, bananas and avocados.

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