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Vitamin E


Vitamin E or tocopherol is a fat-soluble vitamin important as an antioxidant.


Vitamin E is actually a group of related compounds, of which alpha-tocopherol is the most abundant. It is important for the immune system, endocrine system and sex glands. The vitamin prevents atherosclerosis and improves wound healing.

Deficiency Symptoms

Deficiencies are very rare, especially in adults but symptoms include fluid retention and haemolytic anaemia.

At a Glance...

Vitamin E is an important antioxidant and anticoagulant.


Functions Dosage Toxicity Further Information What you need to eat
Vitamin E suppresses the action of free radicals, which potentially can damage large molecules, like DNA and RNA. It has been proposed to protect against atherosclerosis and heart attacks.
The RDA is 10 mg, (15 IU). This is a common supplement and is found in skin-care products.
Toxicity is rare but very high doses may cause problems.
Vitamin E as an antioxidant may slow down the effects of aging. It may be helpful in rheumatoid arthritis and skin diseases, like psoriasis.
Food sources include wheatgerm, soybeans, vegetable oils, brasicas such as broccoli, cabbage. It is also found in eggs.
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